Well, because it was cheap. I wanted a project car to keep me busy but I don't have much money to spend on it. I enjoy working on cars, but I've never felt the liberty to pursue a project. The cars I've had were always relied on for daily transportation, and were too mundane to keep my interest.
This one is different:
- It's Italian
- It's Exotic
- Wet sleeve aluminum engine
- Dual overhead cams
- Fuel Injection - not electronic, mechanical
- deDion rear suspension with inboard disc brakes
- It's not completely impractical
- It has a back seat for the kids - my pickup doesn't
- Parts are readily available, and not horribly expensive
- Nobody cares too much for Alfettas, particularly four-door Alfettas, so I
haven't deprived the motoring world of a notable classic if I screw it up
Besides, I think it's kinda cute. Looks like the sort of car Fr. Guido Sarducci would drive.